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Saturday, 16 March 2013

I should have written but i've been busy and it's been so long do i fit 3 weeks of vancouver/Whistler into a tiny blog post?

I promise i'll make a video log...that'll probably be easiest way to get the crazy fun across!
I just made a little Facebook status...that is totally not accurately about my trip to Canada but it's true and  a bit of a round up to make you think and realise, even on the most normal days where not much happens, "wow, i got here and i've done stuff and everything i've done and people around me have done is why i'm here..." That may be a good or bad situation and from that thought...well you know that you can move forward. Maybe i should do exactly that in moments where i think i am the world's most terrible skier! 

"Sometimes we get so stuck in the moment that we just need to take a breather and look at our past to see the bits and pieces that have built up to make us who we are now and realise that right now is just another bit or piece to our puzzle-ing lives! Mine is a supersize 3D jigsaw with electrical buts, running water and the odd broken bit hanging off...Basically i've had a quick scroll through my facebook timeline from when i joined and oh my my life has been...interesting...lots of bits and pieces...i always wanted but never believed i'd be doing what i'm doing right now. No, i'm not in some top flashy university or job but i'm building...i'm adding bits and pieces to my puzzle...(yes, i still write and use words like i did when i was 10) and know that i'm on an interesting and fun, exciting path that's true to me. We're all the same really...and the truly amazing bits of us remain forever...and so do the dorky, awkward parts that we don't always like to admit to...i'll go watch the thick of it and sleep...good morning britain! mwahaha i am soooo upside down!"

So...i haven't taken any pics of myself much but i've taken pics of stuff!

Few from the Gondola of grouse mountain, coming back
from one of my Wednesday night ski lessons.

I tried out nordic skiing! It was pretty easy to be honest...
think i shocked a few people at how strong i really arm. Do
not be mislead by my skinny-looking body|!

Went on a bit of a roll to Britannia Bay (ye, really weren't very original
when we named places over here...

This is me near the top of Blackcomb with Sian's wonderful
yellow i left my beautiful black one in the bar
on top of Grouse...oops!

Meeting a family pet! Charlotte the cute!
She huffs like angus!

A really random steam powered clock in pretty gas town
it's the "old" looking part of Vancouver! 
Got to have goggles to match my dyslexia, right?

A beautiful view of the mountains from coal harbour...just went
on a push to exercise and discovered it!

And for future...this is the view from my hotel.

So ye, I'm having  a pretty good time!

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